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Multipac as a Tool to Validate the Success of Restoration Measures

Author(s): Stefan Haun; Beatriz Negreiros; Maximilian Kunz; Sebastian Schwindt; Alcides Aybar Galdos; Markus Noack; Silke Wieprecht

Linked Author(s): Markus Noack, Stefan Haun, Silke Wieprecht

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Restoration measures are implemented in many rivers, lakes, and reservoirs worldwide to achieve a good ecological status of these water bodies. As the options for restoration measures are manifold and very sitedependent, associated monitoring is inevitable to conclude on the success of restoration measures. With the here proposed MultiParameter Approach to assess Colmation (MultiPAC), it is possible to obtain in-depth knowledge on the composition and quality of the riverbed. MultiPAC provides information in the form of several measurable physical parameters, which result in a holistic picture of in-situ conditions. The approach is applied in this study in a residual river stretch to quantify the short- as well as the long-term impact of different restoration measures. The results show that MultiPAC can quantify changes in substrate conditions, which enables an evaluation of the success of the implemented measures.


Year: 2022

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