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A Parsimonious Approach for Regional Design Rainfall Estimation: The Case Study of Athens

Author(s): Theano Iliopoulou; Demetris Koutsoyiannis

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Design rainfall estimation at the regional scale is the cornerstone of hydrological design against flooding, particularly essential for ungauged areas. We devise a parsimonious and flexible methodology for regional estimation of rainfall extremes for time scales of minutes up to a few days and any return period, i. e. producing the ombrian curves. Estimation of the distribution parameters is performed by an advanced regional pooling approach employing knowable (K-) moments that allow reliable high-order moment estimation and handling of space dependence; which is non-negligible in homogenous regions. The regionalization approach is based on elevation, which is often sufficient to explain the rainfall variability within a generally homogenous climatic region. The methodology is effectively applied in the Attica region, comprising Athens and its surrounding basins.


Year: 2022

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