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Hydrological Modeling in Experimental Catchment in Urban and Peri-Urban Environments

Author(s): Evgenia Koltsida; Andreas Kallioras

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In this study, the SWAT model was used to simulate the hydrological components of an experimental catchment with urban and peri-urban characteristics. Daily and hourly precipitation inputs were used for discharge simulation. Sensitivity analysis, model calibration and validation were performed using the SUFI-2 algorithm in the SWAT-CUP program. Both models showed satisfactory perfromance, however, the daily model outperformed the hourly model (e. g., daily model: NSEcalibration = 0.65 and NSEvalidation = 0.78; hourly model: NSEcalibration = 0.49 and NSEvalidation = 0.6). The water balance results indicated that the total water yield of the hourly model was higher than the total water yield of the daily model. Actual evapotranspiration contributed a large amount of water loss from the catchment, about 60% for the daily model and 53% for the hourly model. The simulated hydrological components provide knowledge to understand the catchment characteristics. The satisfactory outcomes of this study suggest that the SWAT model is an appropriate tool to predict water balance components to support future urban development planning and strategies in the region.


Year: 2022

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