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Characteristic FVM Solution of Wind-Driven Flow in Bosten Lake

Author(s): Bai Li; Zhou Zhu; Qiu Xiuyun; Hou Jie

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Keywords: Characteristic FVM; Unstructured mesh; Shallow water equations; Water quality wind force

Abstract: A high-performance finite volume method (FVM) is adopted to solve hydrodynamics characteristic of Bosten Large Lake District in this paper. Equations of Unsteady 2D shallow water circulation flow expressing by conservational variables is educed. Unstructured mesh which can be arbitrary triangle, quadrilateral, or combinations of them is implemented to fit irregular boundaries. The cell-center formula of variables is defined in principle of FVM. The formulation of Wind force in FVM discretions is discussed in specific. Based on the principle of characteristic of variables in governing equations, the discreted equation can be solved effectively and satisfactorily by introducing a High-performance Algorithm -- Osher scheme. It can be considered as a high efficiency and practical implement for the solution of shallow circulating flow problems especially concerning complex geometries. The solutions show that the characteristic of current field is obviously different under different wind direction. We can revealed that the input fresh water flows toward outlet quickly before it blends with lake water adequately when wind blows from Northwestern, which is the main reason why the water quality distributing has misproportion property.


Year: 2001

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