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Inundation Flow Analysis in Urban Areas Considering Streets and Underground Space Effects

Author(s): Keiichi Toda; Kazuya Inoue; Kensaku Kuriyama; Osamu Maeda

Linked Author(s): Keiichi Toda, Kazuya Inoue

Keywords: Street network model; Inundation flow analysis; Underground space; Urban are

Abstract: Most of large cities in Japan face the potential danger of flood disaster due to river flood and/or storm surge. This paper treats a numerical analysis of inundation flow by a river bank breach in urban areas including underground space. The inundation flow model used here is based on the network model called “Street Network Model” which can express spread of inundation flow along streets. This model is applied to the northern part of Osaka and the volume of inundation water flowing into each underground space is examined. The detailed inundation flow analysis in Umeda underground mall is also executed. The obtained results emphasize the danger of underground space in inundating.


Year: 2001

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