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Simulation of Dam-Break Flows by an Improved TVD-Maccormack Scheme

Author(s): Ming Hseng Tseng; Chia R. Chu

Linked Author(s): Chia-Ren Chu

Keywords: Finite difference; Predictor-corrector TVD scheme; Dam-break flows

Abstract: A finite difference predictor-corrector TVD scheme is developed for the simulation of unsteady one-dimensional dam-break flows. The accuracy and robustness of the numerical scheme is verified with an analytic solution. Furthermore, a sensitivity study is carried out to investigate the efficiency and robustness of four different versions of the predictor-corrector schemes. It is found that the numerical scheme will have less computational error and higher efficiency when the direction of the predictor-corrector step is the same as the direction of the shock wave propagation.


Year: 2001

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