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A New Improved Formula for Calculating Trashrack Losses

Author(s): Hubert Meusburger; Peter Volkart; Hans-Erwin Minor

Linked Author(s): Peter U. Volkart

Keywords: Trashrack; Energy loss; Numerical flow computation; Inhomogeneous inflow

Abstract: Practical experience during operation over the past decades has shown relevant discrepancies between measured and theoretically determined energy losses at intake trashracks of low head river power plants. On the one hand side not all loss-relevant parameters are taken into account by the usually applied equations and on the other hand, thorough comparison of field measurement data is prevented by rapidly changing flow conditions and widely varying geometrical parameters which all may have an influence on the quality of the obtained results. This contribution tries to point out how this gap can be bridged and better prognosis of trashrack losses can be reached by applying a new equation in combination with numerical analysis of the flow field in the vicinity of such trashracks.


Year: 2001

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