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Cavitation by Macroturbulent Pressure Fluctuations in Hydraulic Jump Stilling Basins

Author(s): Claudio A. Fattor; Maria C. Lopardo; Jose M. Casado; Raul A. Lopardo

Linked Author(s): Claudio A. Fattor

Keywords: Cavitation; Pressure fluctuations; Hydraulic jump; Stilling basin

Abstract: This paper deals with the destructive action of macroturbulent flows induced by hydraulic jumps in stilling basins with particular focus on cavitation inception and cavitation damages by severe pressure fluctuations in relatively low velocity flows. After laboratory and prototype research, the pressure fluctuation amplitude of 0.1% by more negative values is proposed as a representative amplitude in statistic data analysis for cavitation tendency. As the cavitation coefficient is not useful in this type of cavitation, physical modelling in Froudian similarity with generous scale is used for cavitation tendency verification. Methodologies based on air incorporation have been applied successfully to prevent cavitation in stilling basins with low incident Froude Number and large specific discharge.


Year: 2001

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