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Measurement of Concentration Distribution of Self-Aerated Flow in Flood Discharge Tunnel

Author(s): Xu Weilin; Deng Jun; Yang Yongquan

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Keywords: Self-aerated flow; Air concentration; Flood discharge tunnel; Remaining height

Abstract: In flood discharge tunnels with free flow, because of the influence of the roofs, the characteristics of self-aerated flows is different from that in the open channels. In order to test the influence of the roofs on the characteristics of self-aerated flows, the experiments on self-aerated flows in open channels and flood discharge tunnels were made and the influence of the roof on the air concentration distribution was studied. The measured results show: the air concentration decreases with the increasing height near the roof; besides, the air concentration in the water drop zone will decrease, even the maximum value of the air concentration on the vertical line may be lower than 99%. Therefore, the influence should be noticed in the calculations of the air concentration distribution, the aerated flow depth, even the air flow rate in the flood discharge tunnel with free flow.


Year: 2001

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