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Measurement of Water Surface Slope: A Method for Determiningdischarge in the Tailwater of Regulated Rivers

Author(s): Torsten Dose; Gerd Morgenschweis

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Keywords: Discharge measurement; Water gauge; Bubble procedure; Ultrasonic system; Tailback; Pressure-difference system

Abstract: This paper deals with the measurement of discharge in a regulated river. Two different systems were installed to measure discharge: an ultrasonic flow meter operating as a reference system and a pressure-difference system. After describing both methods, the author will compare the computed discharge values as a function of water level and water surface slope with the discharge measured by the ultrasonic system. In addition, the application of a rating curve will be demonstrated. The investigation comes to the conclusion that the pressure difference system is able to compensate the tailback effects of a downstream weir as well as of rapid changes in discharge. Measurement accuracy is the most important factor limiting the deter-mina-tion of discharge at lower measurement values of the water surface slope.


Year: 2001

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