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Simulation of the Response of White Sturgeon Under Managed Flow Regimes

Author(s): S. K. Parkinson; J. A. Chandler; P. Goodwin

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Keywords: Fish behavior simulation; Data mining; Biological modeling; Whitesturgeon

Abstract: A program to develop a better understanding for fish response to flow management in natural rivers is outlined. The need to understand these relationships is driven by both regulatory requirements and plans for recovery of key species in the aquatic ecosystem. One particular question addressed herein, is whether rapid artificial changes in discharge due to hydropower generation influence the growth potential of juvenile white sturgeon. The methodology integrates a hydrodynamic model of the depths, velocity components and water quality parameters with field measurements of the exact location of an individual fish. These fish are monitored remotely for both position and metabolic rate (through sonic transmitters and electromyogram monitoring tags). This data will then be used to extract knowledge about the critical hydrologic conditions that cause fish to change habitat locations and the associated energy expenditure of fish due to rapidly changing flow conditions.


Year: 2001

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