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The Ajaure Dam-Spillway Refurbishment for Increased Design Flood

Author(s): James Yang; Niklas Dahlback; Nils Johansson

Linked Author(s): Niklas Dahlbäck, James Yang

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The use of the new Swedish guidelines for design flood determination has led to the fact that the design floods at many existing dams are larger than what they were originally designed for and these dams have to be refurbished for safety reasons. At Ajaure, the design flood changes from1020 to 1340 m3/s. As a result, the spillway discharge capacity needs to be increased and the 150-m long discharge channel has to re-dimensioned. One of the two bottom outlets is rebuilt to an open spillway and a new larger radial gate is installed. Hydraulic model tests are made in order to determine the discharge capacity of the re-built spillway and the requisite height of the spillway channel, so that the design flood can be discharged without overflow.


Year: 2001

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