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Turbulence Simulation by Lagrangian Block Method

Author(s): W. Altai; Chu; V. H.

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Keywords: Recirculating flow; Turbulent mixing; Coherent structure; Bed-friction effect; Open-channel Flow

Abstract: highly non-diffusive numerical scheme, known as the Lagrangian Block Method (LBM), is employed to simulate the chaotic advective process in a turbulent plane jet. Simulations were conducted using a diffusion coefficient equal to sub-grid scale of the turbulent jet. The results are in close agreement with the experimental observation. The simulation is also conducted in a pure advection experiment. The result of the pure advection experiment shows that the numerical diffusion associated with the LBM is extremely small. This is in contrast with the conventional computational scheme in which the numerical diffusion is of the same order of magnitude as the sub-grid scale viscosity. Because the numerical diffusion associated with the LBM is very small, the method is most suitable for the simulation of the transport processes in the coastal waters of lakes and oceans where the diffusion coefficient is often quite small.


Year: 2001

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