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Numerical Modelling of Storm Surges Along Indian Coasts Using Location Specific Models

Author(s): P. C. Sinha; P. Chittibabu; S. K. Dube

Linked Author(s): Prakash C. Sinha

Keywords: Storm surge; Numerical model; Tropical cyclone; Indian coast

Abstract: Storm surges associated with severe tropical cyclonic storms are of common occurrences along the east and west coast of India. The coastal states of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat have experienced major surges in the past. The recent 1999 Paradip super cyclone and1998 Kandla cyclone are severe most cyclones that caused extensive damage to the property and loss of lives. Extreme storm surges are major causes for coastal flooding in these regions. Damages can be minimized if the surges are forecasted well in advance. The accuracy of the forecast depends upon the grid resolution and offshore topography of the region of interest. Keeping this in view we developed fine resolution location specific models for three coastal states of India which are vulnerable to storm surges and associated inundation. An attempt has been made to simulate extreme sea levels along the Andhra, Orissa and Gujarat coasts using the data of past severe cyclones. The model results reported in the present study are in good agreement with available observations/estimates.


Year: 2001

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