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Investigation into the Effects of Large Scale Climatic Patterns on Low Flows

Author(s): Ashok K. Mishra; Vijay P. Singh

Linked Author(s): Vijay Singh

Keywords: Low flows; Large scale climatic indices; Hydrologic drought

Abstract: Due to increasing water demand, low flows will be a major issue in the future. Low flows depend on water use as well as the hydro-meteorological variability in the basin. This paper provides a conceptual frame work for investigating the mechanisms between large-scale climate patterns and low flows in streams for different watersheds in Texas. The objective of this study is to examine the association of annual low flow magnitudes of different durations with large scale climatic patterns, with the hope of including these new relationships into future hydrologic drought prediction models, and (ii) to understand the possible impact of climate change or anthropogenic effects on low flows during the 20~th century.


Year: 2009

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