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Anticipation Time Estimation for Feedforward Control of Canal

Author(s): Wei Cui; Wenxue Chen; Xiaochen Guo; Xiangpeng Mu; Qi Wang

Linked Author(s): Wenxue Chen, Wei Cui, Xiangpeng Mu

Keywords: Water transfer project; Feedforward control; Wave propagation; Anticipation time

Abstract: This paper deals with the estimation of anticipation time for feedforward control of canal. Through unsteady-flow simulation, the travel, superposition and attenuation of translatory waves are analyzed. Wave offset is proved to be a good way to reduce water deviation. The anticipation time includes two parts: wave travel time and wave offset time. To estimate wave travel time, formula based on dynamic wave theory and volume compensation theory is examined by analysis and simulation. The former matches simulation results good and is selected while the latter matches simulation results poor. A portion of time which wave travels upstream is chosen to estimate wave offset time. The method is tested in Beijing-Shijiazhuang Section of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, which is more than200km long and includes 13 pools. Volume-compensation method is applied for feedforward control. Anticipation time calculated using dynamic wave formula and volume compensation formula are both tested for comparison. Simulation results show that the new method can reduce water fluctuation significantly, and can be used in the feedforward controller of canal systems.


Year: 2009

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