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Environmental Evaluation on Macro-Invertebrates in Waterside Through Impressions

Author(s): Atsunori Suzuki; Masanori Kawano; Yoshimi Hagihara; Toshiharu Kojiri

Linked Author(s): Toshiharu Kojiri

Keywords: Environmental evaluation; Macro-invertebrates; Distribution of fishesand birds; Factor analysis

Abstract: Waterside has been evaluated through economical or ecological aspects, individually, although obviously it has strong relationship with human and social situations. Waterside environment is thought as GES environmental system including three indices: Geographical index (Geo-index), Sociological index (Socio-index) and Ecological index (Eco-index). In GES environmental system three indices interact with one another. We carried out the environmental evaluation in the Kamo River and the Takano River through cramer's coefficient and factor analysis, and considered one of biological aspects: macro-invertebrates, fishes and birds, and social aspects: impressions. Then, we revealed that fishes and birds influence good feeling on people, and fishes and birds are maintained by macro-invertebrates. Finally we propose, therefore, the macro-invertebrates were important for waterside managements.


Year: 2009

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