Author(s): R. Rao; H. Van Den Boogaard; H. Gerritsen; V. Babovic; A. Mynett
Linked Author(s): Vladan Babovic
Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Non-tidal water levels (or Sea Level Anomalies; SLAs) and associated residual currents are common to many marine systems. Understanding of these anomalies in terms of their spatial and temporal scales, distribution, mutual dependencies, etc., is important for real time water level and flow forecasting systems. In this paper SLAs in the Singapore region are analyzed and characterized, starting from 10 years of hourly observed water level data of 17 locations. SLA time series were extracted by removing a67 component tidal signal. Basic statistical analyses are carried out to establish the magnitude and variability of SLAs in the region. SLA profiles of different locations are compared to establish spatial correlations. Seasonal variations and some pronounced SLA events are analyzed.
Year: 2009