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Flood Wave Propagation in a Steep Mountain River: Comparison of Four Simulation Tools

Author(s): G. G. Petaccia; M. Velickovic; S. Soares-Frazao; N. Asselman; F. Savi; L. Natale; Y. Zech

Linked Author(s): Yves Zech, Gabriella Petaccia, Sandra Soares-Frazao

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Flood simulation tools do not always predict realistic results when they are applied to natural rivers, due among others to the complex topographical features of the valley. This paper presents a study performed on the simulation of a historic flood in the Brembo River, Italy. Four simulation tools are compared: one commercial software package, SOBEK, and three research softwares: one based on a finite-difference scheme and two based on finite-volume schemes with Roe and LHLL fluxes calculation, respectively. The water levels predicted by each simulation tool are in general very similar, but at some locations with abrupt changes in the topography, differences up to a few meters are observed, that are shown to be related to a too coarse discretization of the river channel. Finally, first comparisons of the predicted discharges showed unrealistic results for the finite volume schemes. These values however become completely realistic when the right variables are considered.


Year: 2009

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