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Experimental, Analytical and Numerical Simulation of the Propagation of a Hydraulic Jump over Mobile Bed

Author(s): L. Goutiere; M. Bellal; S. Soares-Frazao; Y. Zech

Linked Author(s): Yves Zech, Sandra Soares-Frazao

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: This paper presents experimental, theoretical and numerical studies of the morphological response to the propagation of a hydraulic jump over mobile bed. Experiments illustrate the interaction between the boundary conditions and their impact on water and bed profile evolution. To simulate this flow, two geomorphological models are presented: (1) a Saint-Venant–Exner model and (2) a two-layer shallow-water model. Both mathematical models have been developed in explicit finite-volume schemes allowing shock capturing simulations. Then, an analytical solution is developed for the propagation of the jump on mobile bed, considering a linear diffusion equation derived from Exner equation and constructing the solution using similarity transformations. Finally, the experimental, numerical and analytical results are compared and discussed.


Year: 2009

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