Author(s): Hajime Mase; Tomohiro Yasuda; Tracey H. Tom; Daiki Tsujio; Nobuhito Mori
Linked Author(s): Hajime Mase
Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Severe coastal disasters were caused by high waves due to winter depression along Toyama coasts face to the Sea of Japan on February 2008. Inundation and tide embankment breach occurred due to wave overtopping and wave load at the Shimoniikawa coast which lies astride Kurobe City, Nyuzen Town and Asahi Town. Ports in the Toyama Bay were also damaged. This disastrous wave is a long-period extreme swell locally called as ‘Yorimawari Nami (detour wave) ' historically and takes place along the Toyama coast few times a year. In this research, winds and waves in the Sea of Japan including the Toyama coast are simulated for the duration of the coastal disasters' event. A spatial distribution of waves is also simulated in the Toyama Bay to analyze breakwaters' sliding failure at the Fushiki Toyama Port.
Year: 2009