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An Innovative Approach for Modelling Large Urban Hydrologic/Hydraulic Systems

Author(s): Joshua P. Cantone; Arthur R. Schmidt

Linked Author(s): Joshua Cantone, Arthur Schmidt

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The dynamics of the urban landscape are ever changing. As the population grows, urban sprawl gathers momentum and the path for a drop of rainfall changes complexion. The physical processes involved from when rain falls until when it reaches a treatment plant or waterway are highly non-linear. When developing stormwater models for large, complex urban catchments, such as Chicago, these non-linearities have largely been ignored and linearized through development of lumped or semi-distributed models. This linearization is often used to overcome the sheer size and complexity of the urban catchments. The answer to the question of how much network complexity should be included in a model has been pre-empted by the application of conduit skeletonization and subcatchment aggregation. These simplification techniques are not without their dangers and may introduce bias into the predicted hydrographs. In addition, the majority of the simulation approaches involve the application of hydrologic models that require calibration and significant knowledge of hydrologic inputs. In many cases the assessment of existing urban hydrologic systems is hindered by the absence of input and/or calibration data. With this in mind, an innovative approach to modeling large urban hydrologic systems is presented. This approach builds on the fundamentals of the geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH) that was developed by Rodriguez-Iturbe and Valdes in 1979 which has been successfully applied to natural watersheds over the past three decades. Application of GIUH has evolved such that it can be applied to ungauged natural watersheds with knowledge of as little as the watershed area and layout of the stream network. This approach uses the morphology of the sewer system to route flow through the network and generate the network impulse response function. Excess rainfall is determined using the Green and Ampt method based on the physical characteristics of the underlying soils. The Kinematic Wave approach is used, in conjunction with relevant stochastically generated subcatchment and sewer parameters, to establish probability distribution functions (PDF) for overland (both pervious and impervious) and sewer travel times. The PDF's of the travel time and excess rainfall are convoluted to generate the network impulse response function. This approach has been applied to a number of combined sewer systems in Chicago and the results of the analysis *are presented in this paper and compared to observed data and an existing deterministic model (InfoSWMM).


Year: 2009

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