Author(s): Sung-Uk Choi; Wonjun Yang; Jaekook Shin
Linked Author(s): Sung-Uk Choi, Won Jun Yang
Keywords: Open-channel flow; Submerged vegetation; 3D characteristics; Secondary currents
Abstract: This paper presents laboratory experiments for 3d characteristics of depth-limited open-channel flows with submerged vegetation. Both flexible and rigid stem are used in the experiments. Laser Doppler anemometer is used to sample the velocities. Streamwise mean velocity is provided, showing the flow concentration in the sidewall region. This occurs because the counter-clockwise rotating vortex moves high-momentum fluids from the center towards the sidewall. The estimated pattern of the secondary currents supports this phenomenon. The turbulence statistics are also given and the impact of the secondary currents is discussed.
Year: 2009