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Effect of the Angle of Alignment Deviation on the Velocity Field in Down Stream of the Bends

Author(s): H. Bonakdari; A. Zinatizadeh; A. Tahershamsi; A. Shahrezaei; D. Levacher

Linked Author(s): Hossein Bonakdari

Keywords: Velocity fields; Computational Fluid Dynamics; Three dimensionalmodeling; Bend

Abstract: More and more measurement devices are implemented in sewer networks for various purposes. Key to the successful management of sewer networks is accurate understanding of the flow quantity. Selecting sections for conducting these measurements may prove difficult, as the efficiency of available devices strongly rely on hydraulic conditions. Unfortunately, measurement of flow-rate in sewers is often expemsive, intensive manpower, and the performance limitations of the available technology may lead to inaccurate results. Much of the measurements have almost exclusively been carried out within a so called fully developed zone of flow. This region is downstream of a bend which the flow field's behaviour is invariant. The current research project uses numerical investigations in order to study assessing the influence of a bend on velocity fields and its implications on flow measurements relying on velocity sensors by taking into the specificities hydraulic condition.


Year: 2009

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