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Settling Behavior of Muddy Lake Caused by Cohesive Clay in Shi-Man Reservoir in Taiwan

Author(s): Chien-Jung Liu; Shaohua Marko Hsu; Wei-Sheng Yu

Linked Author(s): Shaohua Marko Hsu

Keywords: Muddy pond; Stagnant-settling velocity; Moving-settling velocity; Shi-Men

Abstract: Turbid water withdrew from muddy pond in Shi-Man reservoir was a serious problem for water treatment due to its high turbidity in north Taiwan. Settling behavior of the interface between muddy pond and clear water was the major subject for aspirating more muddy water from muddy pond during typhoons and withdrawing clear water more quickly after typhoons. A rectangle tank with horizontal bottom was for experimental design such. Stagnant cases and cases with outflow were used to analyze the settling behavior of muddy water formed by Shi-Men cohesive mud. Different discharge and concentration of inflow muddy water were used to form muddy pond, and the rising and falling behavior of the interface of the muddy pond was observed artificially. From the experimental results, there was a power relation between the stagnant-settling velocity of the muddy-pond interface and initial concentration of muddy pond. The stagnant-settling velocity would decrease when initial concentration increased. For outflow cases, the moving-settling velocity of the muddy-pond interface was approximately equal to the settling velocity caused by outflow added the stagnant-settling velocity of the Shi-Men mud.


Year: 2009

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