Author(s): Faruk Bhuiyan; David Z. Zhu; Alf Leake; Paul Higgins
Linked Author(s): David Z. Zhu
Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: It is important to understand flow patterns induced by hydropower intakes to assess hydraulic efficiency of the system as well as to manage water quality and habitat for aquatic organisms upstream and downstream of the plant. In the present study, two different intake structures at two sites (Revelstoke and Mica Hydropower projects in the Columbia River) are modeled with a computational fluid dynamics approach to characterize three-dimensional flow pattern in the vicinity of the structures. About 3km reach of the forebays and detailed geometries of the structures were included in the intake models. The velocities along three directions and total flow accelerations were computed and compared for single and multiple intakes. The spatial extents of the influence of intakes were examined for various operational modes based on criteria for potential fish entrainment. It is shown here that the extents of risky zones and withdrawal volume associated with the entrainment risk from different depth layers vary significantly with chosen operational modes. This information can be used to manage habitat for aquatic organisms and minimize fish entrainment due to intake operations.
Year: 2009