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Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Two-Dimensional Dispersion in Meandering Channel

Author(s): Il Won Seo; Sung Won Park

Linked Author(s): Il Won Seo

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Considering basic hydraulic dynamics, experimental analysis should be analyzed simultaneously with mathematical methods due to effects of hydraulic properties such as meander, sediment, and so on. In this research, to reveal effects of hydraulic characteristics and longitudinal and transverse coefficients using 2-dimensional advection-dispersion equation, a laboratory experimental channel has been set up and used. Additionally results of experiments have been compared with velocity and concentration fields under same conditions. Two-dimensional numerical simulation models (FEM), SMS and RAMS have been applied with same experimental conditions. From the analysis of velocity profiles, primary and secondary flows have been visualized. Also the result of pollutant clouds illustrated from the results of tracer tests with instantaneous and centered injection of solute transport, separation, superposition and stagnation could be deduced outwards of two meandering sections. And same types of characteristics of velocity and pollutant transport could be defined with two-dimensional numerical simulation models.


Year: 2009

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