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The Influence of North Florida/Georgia Salt Marshes on Intracoastal/Estuarine and Shelf Circulation

Author(s): Peter Bacopoulos

Linked Author(s): Peter Bacopoulos

Keywords: Stronomic tides; Circulation; Salt marsh; South Atlantic Bight; AtlanticIntracoastal Waterway; Estuaries; Finite element method

Abstract: A high-resolution finite element model for the South Atlantic Bight and Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AICWW) is refined by incorporating salt marsh around the North Florida/Georgia coastal region. The inclusion of the salt marsh is assessed through an evaluation of tidal elevations and velocities in the Lower St. Johns River. Conducted then is a numerical experiment that compares model output to observed discharges at select cross sections in the Lower St. Johns River. It is determined that there is an impact by the salt marsh on tidal discharge near and into the AICWW. Simulation results demonstrate that the model which describes the salt marsh leads to the best replication of the observed discharges. Provided by this preliminary effort is the basis for sensitivity testing of the model with respect to the application of a spatially variable assignment of Manning's n values. Tidal energetics will be used as a means by which to assess model sensitivity. Energy dissipation occurring in the salt marsh will be quantified to shed further light on the local hydrodynamics. Implications towards the shelfintracoastal/estuarine exchange will be discussed in a general sense.


Year: 2009

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