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Penrith Lakes Development – Verification of a 2D Model with a Physical Model

Author(s): R. S. D. Thomson; M. W. Zollinger; L. R. Evans; B. C. Phillips

Linked Author(s): Rhys Thomson

Keywords: Verification; Physical model; Numerical model; Penrith Lakes

Abstract: The proposed Penrith Lakes Scheme includes a series of 12 lakes and parklands, covering an area approximately 2,000 hectares. The development is located beside the Nepean River, and flooding, flood impacts and emergency response planning are key issues for the development. It is proposed to control the flow of floodwaters through the lakes using various weirs including two 400m – 570m long weirs. Until recently, the flooding behaviour was assessed using a large physical model. To facilitate the rapid assessment of a range of lake and weir configurations a 2D hydraulic model of the scheme was subsequently created, and verified against historical flood observations and physical model results. This paper describes the verification of predicted peak flood levels, water level time series and the complex lateral weir behaviour to the physical model. It was concluded that the numerical model was able to match the observed and physically modelled flood behaviour.


Year: 2011

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