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Physical Modeling of the Impacts of Construction of Dongting Lake Railway Bridge on the River Regime and Riverbed Development

Author(s): Y. H. Zhu; H. Zhang; L. H. Gu; F. Z. Li; Y. Feng

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Keywords: Physical model test; Bridge; River regime; Riverbed development; Yangtze River

Abstract: The Dongting Lake Railway Bridge to be built is a super huge bridge cross the exit river channel of the Dongting Lake in Central China. The channel connects the lake with the Yangtze River with water and sediment transports from the lake to the river normally. In this research physical model tests have been conducted to investigate the variation of the water levels, flow velocity, unit flow rate, river regime and riverbed development caused by construction of the bridge and the possible pier scouring. The horizontal scale of the model is 1:400, and the vertical 1:100. Analysis of the model results showing that, in general, construction of the bridge does not have large impacts on the water levels, flow velocity and unit flow rate at the bridge site, and does not change significantly the overall river regime and riverbed development of the river reach close to the bridge site.


Year: 2011

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