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The Wave Speed of Surge Pressure Under the Interaction of Vapour, Water and Steel Pipes

Author(s): Y. Kono; K. Kato; K. Ishikawa; A. Haga; Y. Shimoasa

Linked Author(s): Yukio Kono

Keywords: Wave speed; Wavelet; Negative surge pressure; Vapour; Void fraction; Waterhammer

Abstract: The equation of motion and the continuity equation are solved to analyse the pressure surge. The equation consists of the multiplication of wave speed in square and difference of velocity in pipeline. The wave speed of pressure surge is about 1300 m/s and the velocity in pipeline is from 1 m/s to 2 m/s for example in usual pipeline. The large scale of difference in speed from 500 times to 1000 times affects the sudden change of high pressure in the pressure surge equations. This is the reason that the study of wave speed of pressure surge is very important. The maximum wave speed in water is 1547 m/s and the maximum wave speed in steel is 5256 m/s according to the theory. The wave speed of vapour-water interaction decreases to 400 m/s at initial velocity 1.0 m/s. The wave speed in water, steel, and interaction of vapour, water and steel are measured precisely and the results of experiment are compared with the theoretical analysis..


Year: 2011

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