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Identifying Critical Pipes in the Barwon Water Potable Water System

Author(s): R. Erinawati; A. Mckoy

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Keywords: Barwon Water; Critical mains; Pipes; Hydraulic model; Geelong

Abstract: Effective pipe replacement is essential to ensure the reliability of a potable water distribution system. Pipe replacements planning has traditionally focused on to statistical analysis of pipe failures and consideration of vulnerable customers approach. Each pipe is generally regarded as an independent unit. The impact of a pipe failure itself in the water distribution system such as water shortage, pressure drops or high velocities has yet to be determined. With the availability of hydraulic models, it has become easier to fail a pipe and assess its impact on the system. Each segment can be shut down and the impact on each shut down on the system performance can then be determined. The criticality of each pipe can be automatically assigned based on the number of customers affected should the pipe fail. The criticality analysis results are graphically presented in Barwon Water's GIS system. This helps operational and planning personnel to access the information more easily and more efficiently plan network improvements and optimise assets management decisions


Year: 2011

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