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Integrated River Basin Management with Human Sensitivity and Traditional Water Use

Author(s): Yosuke Nitta; Toshiharu Kojiri; Keiki Takata; Kozo Fukunari

Linked Author(s): Toshiharu Kojiri

Keywords: Integrated river basin management; Water culture; Fuzzy logic; Human sensitivity; Multi-objective

Abstract: In integrated river basin management, the performance of an entire river basin is evaluated according to water quantity and quality and the environmental condition, considering plans for the larger surrounding river basin and region. We propose integrated river basin management procedures that also consider the “water culture” and “satisfaction” of local residents. The fuzzy logic is used to formulate the level of satisfaction for different locations, social activities, and economic conditions. Cultural heritage is important in maintaining regional preference, and zoning can be used to evaluate this process. Recent social and economic developments have highlighted the need to incorporate multiple viewpoints and criteria in evaluating and managing river basins. The proposed methodologies were tested in the Hii River basin, Japan.


Year: 2011

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