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Modelling Phosphorus Sorption Processes in Kuwait Bay: Effects of Sediment Grain Size

Author(s): Y. Alosairi; E. Al Enezi; R. A. Falconer; J. Imberger

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Keywords: Kuwait Bay; Sorption; Phosphorus; Numerical Modelling; Computational Hydrualics

Abstract: During the past decade there has been growing interest in the hydro-ecology of Kuwait Bay. These concerns have been primarily associated with the expansion of desalination plants, rapid growth in waterfront developments and rising sewage discharges that have caused substantial nutrient increases in the region. Recently, this has lead to increase ecological stress and, subsequently, frequent algal blooms. Numerous physical processes give rise/reduction to nutrient levels, including sediment sorption processes. Previously, an investigation was undertaken to investigate phosphorus sorption processes in a flume channel and a strong correlation was obtained between sediment grain size and sediment sorption. This correlation was incorporated into a threedimensional model named TRIVAST (Th Ree-dimensional layer Integrated Velocities And Solute Transport) and linked to a sediment transport model. Simulations showed an enhanced prediction of dissolved phosphorus in the Bay by 20% during the summer 2005.


Year: 2011

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