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Modelling of Bedrock River Evolution

Author(s): C. T. Liao; K. C. Yeh; M. W. Huang

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Keywords: Bedrock river; Stream power bedrock incision rate; Mobile-bed model

Abstract: Steep slope and severe bed change are the characteristics of mountain rivers. These characteristics often cause the bed armor layer flushed away, make the bedrock exposed, and then increase the channel incision. Hydraulic models of past few decades often aimed at the sediment transport of alluvial channel. In this paper, a modelling concept for bedrock river evolution is proposed, which is based on a two-dimensional mobile-bed model, called the explicit finite analytic model (EFA). Due to the proposed modelling concept, the EFA model can consider both phenomena of severe erosion and cover effect of sediment over the bedrock. A new stream power bedrock incision rate formula is proposed. All required data were measured and tested from the field during the past three years. The results show that the proposed model has the capability of simulating morphological changes in the bedrock reach of Taan River, Taiwan.


Year: 2011

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