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Evolution of Maximum Scour Depth Downstream of a Grade-Control Structure During a Flood

Author(s): Jian-Hao Hong; Jau-Yau Lu; Kai-Po Chang; Chih-Chiang Su

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Keywords: Grade-control structure; Scour; Unsteady flows

Abstract: For many incised channels, one of the most commonly accepted remedial strategies is to install some hard structures such as grade-control structures (GCSs) in the riverbed to resist further incision. However, the GCSs may collapse during floods. In this context, the studies on temporal variation of scour depth at GCSs due to floods are still limited. Hence, in this study, the effect of the flood hydrograph on the scour downstream of grade-control structures without upstream sediment supply was investigated experimentally. In addition, based on the dimensional analysis and the concept of superposition, a methodology is proposed to simulate the time evolution of maximum scour depth downstream of a GCS. The proposed scheme predicts the temporal variations of maximum scour depth under unsteady flow conditions reasonably well.


Year: 2011

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