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A Novel ILES/VOF Solver for the Simulation of Turbulent Free Surface Flows

Author(s): Peter D. M Brady

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Keywords: Turbulent; Free surface; ILES; VOF; Cylinder; Piercing; Bridge pier

Abstract: A new Implicit Large Eddy Simulation Computational Fluid Dynamics algorithm for the simulation of turbulent flows in the presence of a free surface was developed and validated. The unsteady solver computes the motion of the free surface and surrounding fluid with sufficient accuracy yet without the exorbitant requirements of a Direct Numerical Simulation. The validation study was the simulation of the flow around a right circular cylinder that pierced a free surface. The Reynolds number investigated was 27x103, with a corresponding Froude number, based on the cylinder diameter, of 0.75. In clear contrast to a recently published LES simulation, the shape of the free surface was correctly simulated while a spectral analysis indicated, somewhat surprisingly, that the turbulent cascade was being correctly simulated beyond the grid scale, which is a confirmation that the ILES solver is computing the subgrid-scale turbulence.


Year: 2011

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