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Study on the Impact of Tidal Behaviour on the Characteristics of Water Quality in Hori River

Author(s): Regmi Ugendra; Takeda Makoto; Matsuo Naoki

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Keywords: Hori River; Water quality indicators; Spring and neap tides; Tidal change; Deposition of sludge; Mouth of river

Abstract: Hori River is a manmade river flowing north-to-south through the downtown of Nagoya city, Japan, having limited flow of fresh water. This paper presents an observation and experiment of the water quality of Hori River. A study was carried out in the winter season of spring and neap tides using salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and chlorophyll as indicators. Moreover, experiment on the chemical parameters of water quality such as TN (inorganic), TP, NH4-N, NO3-N, NO2-N were done in order to find out the impacts of sludge on the water for the improvement of better habitants of Hori River. Overall, TP and TN for the different two tides did not show any large variations and were fairly comparable. On the other hand salinity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, however varies significantly with tidal changes. This was also evidenced in low value of DO in neap tide of bottom layer due to the strong stratification. Changes in the concentrations of turbidity occurred with change in tide, these being high, especially at flood tide of spring tide when the velocity of water at bottom layer is high where maximum sludge has been occurred. This study indicated that the water quality of Hori River was influenced due to the tidal change of the estuary region of Nagoya port i.e. the mouth of river and the water quality of bottom layer were more polluted due to the deposition of large number of sludge.


Year: 2011

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