Author(s): R. Gutierrez-Serret; J. Lozano; J. I. Grau; F. Noya
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Keywords: Coruna; Outer Port; Breakwater; Physical Model
Abstract: “La Coruna” new outer port, in Spain NW, in an advanced state of construction, is protected by a huge rubble mound breakwater: 3,354 m long and 65 m high, designed for a 140 year return period, resulting in 15 m significant wave (Hs) and 18 s peak period (Tp). The main stretch section is made of 150 t block layer sloping at 2/1, filters, nucleus and at the back, 50 t blocks, sloping 1.5/1, and rock filters. It is provided with a parapet, crowned at 25 m. 2D and 3D physical model test series of initial, main section, head and construction stages, were conducted at CEDEX. The aim of this paper is to present 2D main section tests, performed in CEDEX Large Flume, which validates the design solution. In these test (1/30 scale), breakwater section stability was studied and parapet wave forces and overtopping were measured for: Hs = 7÷20 m and Tp = 16 and 18 s, considering tides.
Year: 2011