Author(s): Y. Matsuuchi; M. Aminaka; M. Tochino; M. Miyagawa; Y. Suenaga
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Keywords: Restraint technique; Floating aquaculture facilities; Water column; Real sea experiment
Abstract: In the case of rearing valuable rockfish juveniles that have hiding behavior in the floating aquaculture facilities, a number of juveniles decreases due to the stress from structure movement of floating facilities caused by the irregular and continuous ocean waves. In terms of restraint of floating facilities, some methods over reducing structural movement have been developed and attempted. However, the existing methods require a large amount of cost and effort. Now, more effective technology is required for reducing structural movement. We developed one method that can reduce structural movement by absorbing wave energy. The principle is that the natural frequency of the oscillating water column is determined not by its volume but by its length. We conducted the water tank experiment on absorbing the wave energy and adjusted the length of the oscillating water column to natural frequency of incoming wave. Furthermore, we examined the restraint function of this method in the real sea area in this study.
Year: 2011