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On the Erosion Due to Inclined Jets

Author(s): L. Minatti; E. Paris; L. Solari

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Keywords: Jets; Regime; Scour

Abstract: Experimental results regarding scour processes on a mobile bed caused by inclined plane jets issuing from a sluice gate are presented. Tests have been carried out with different experimental conditions, with different jet Froude numbers, inclinations and tailwater heights. The bed profile has been measured during the scourhole evolution process until the establishment of a dynamic steady state, in which sediment motion was still possible even though persistent changes in the scour and ridge shapes couldn't be detected anymore. On the basis of the sediment motion, two different patterns of flow seem to develop under the investigated conditions: one in which the main flow remains attached to the bottom of the channel and another one in which it oscillates between the previous configuration and a surface jet. Some relevant parameters have been identified and used to plot graphs showing trends and correlations. Finally, the ability of an existing algebraic model at reproducing the obtained experimental results has been assessed.


Year: 2011

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