Author(s): S. Elabd; A. Schlenkhoff
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Keywords: Inflow generation; Stochastic model; Thomas-Fiering model
Abstract: In the present paper, we used four models to generate monthly inflow data into the Bigge reservoir, which delivers about 40% of the water supplied by all the reservoirs in the Ruhr river basin, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. These models are Thomas-Fiering (T-F), Gamma Thomas-Fiering (Gamma T-F) model, Monte Carlo (MC) model and Hidden Markov model with periodic states (PHMM). The results of the T-F, Gamma T-F, MC and PHMM models are discussed and compared to choose an appropriate model for the monthly inflow generation based on the reproduction of the monthly inflow in terms of several important statistics such as the mean, standard deviation, skewness and month-to-month lag one correlation coefficient.
Year: 2011