Author(s): A. A. Ibrahim; P. M. Steffler
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Keywords: Coupled Model; Hyporheic Flow; Upwelling/Downwelling Discharges; Groundwater Modeling; Surface Water Modeling
Abstract: The hyporheic zone in pool and riffle sequences is recognized to be important for fish spawning as well as surface water/groundwater interactions. In this study, steady state water surface elevations are calculated and the groundwater flow is then modeled by using either a simple onedimensional (1D) Dupuit approach or a two-dimensional (2D) horizontal/vertical model in boundary fitted coordinates. The model calculates the seepage flow rates, upwelling/downwelling discharges and the hyporheic flow. The results show that the maximum error between the (2D) and (1D) models in calculating the horizontal seepage discharge is less than 24% for stratum thickness up to 4.0 m while the maximum error in calculating the upwelling/downwelling discharges is less than 20% for Stratum thickness up to 1.0 m. This error decreases with increasing surface water discharge and/or decreasing average stratum thickness.
Year: 2011