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Culvert Blockage Mechanisms and Their Impact on Flood Behaviour

Author(s): E. H. Rigby; A. J. Barthelmess

Linked Author(s): Ted Rigby

Keywords: Blockage; Debris; Culvert; Flood; Analysis; Hydraulics

Abstract: Documents describing the mechanisms involved in blockage and appropriate procedures for the analysis of, or design for blockage, are rare. This paper explores how debris arriving at a structure interacts with the structure, focusing on the mechanisms that ultimately lead to blockage. Blockages of the inlet, barrel, handrails and outlet are considered together with mixed mode blockages. The roles of different types of debris and delivery timing, on blockage, are also explored. It is noted in conclusion that while realistic simulation of blockages is of considerable importance in our assessment of flood behaviour and in planning controls, few modelling tools are currently capable of replicating the full physical and temporal characteristics of culvert or bridge blockages. If we are to move forward in this matter, much more deliberate records of blockage are required to validate our procedures, together with tools to more realistically simulate these blockages.


Year: 2011

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