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Iowa Flood Center: Resource for Critical Research and Applications

Author(s): W. F. Krajewski; L. J. Weber; N. C. Young

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Keywords: Iowa Flood Center; Flood research; Flood education; Monitoring; Forecasting; Inundation mapping

Abstract: The Iowa Flood Center, established following the devastating 2008 flood, the fifth largest disaster in United States history, is a state-funded academic research center with the mission of providing flood mitigation support for the people of Iowa. The Center is a unique resource to the State, complementing the roles of other relevant state and federal agencies by providing added flexibility in creating and testing new methods and models. The Center is developing flood frequency estimation methods, flood forecasting models for both real time and seasonal time scales, flood inundation map libraries, and new instrumentation for the monitoring of flood-related environmental variables. In addition to more traditional academic and technical avenues, the Center communicates the products of its work directly to the public in easily understood formats via web-based tools. The Center also engages with communities helping in developing flood preparedness approaches, promoting the theme of living with floods.


Year: 2011

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