Author(s): S. K. Ooi; P. Sisomphon; A. Kurniawan; H. Gerritsen
Linked Author(s): Seng Keat Ooi
Keywords: Tide-surge interaction; Sea level anomaly; Hydrodynamic modeling; Singapore waters
Abstract: The flows in the Singapore region are the result of a complex mix of tide, seasonal and meteorological effects. The MHBox study of non-tidal effects or sea level and current anomalies in this region has shown previously that it is possible to model some of these anomalies. This paper seeks to understand the previous limitations and focuses on the possible physical effects that may allow for better modeling of such anomalies specifically the assumption of linear superposition of tide and the short-term surge with longer-term seasonal effect and the applicability of this assumption across the domain. In addition the temporal modeling scales of surge are also discussed. To better explore the complex interactions especially for currens it is proposed that a finer model of the region, well calibrated for seasonal and tidal effects be used to account for basin-scale meteorological effects.
Year: 2011