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Experimental Study on the Performance of Pile Breakwater with Special-Shaped Cross Section

Author(s): G. Y. Wang; Y. X. Wang; D. B. Gao; Y. Z. Wang

Linked Author(s): Guoyu Wang

Keywords: Pile breakwater; Model test; Reflection coefficient; Transmission coefficient

Abstract: The pile breakwater of a rectangular cross section with semi-circular grooves on both sides is proposed in this paper. The performance of dissipating waves of the breakwater is explored by regular wave model tests. The variations of reflection and transmission coefficients alone with the relative width are presented and compared with those of the rectangular pile breakwater. The effects of the porosity parameter, the relative width and the wave steepness on the wave damping performance of the breakwater are discussed. It is shown that the wave attenuation performance of the breakwater is better than that of the rectangular section pile breakwater as the porosity parameter less than 0.273. The reflection and transmission coefficients are mainly depended on the porosity parameter and the relative width. The breakwater can dissipate waves significantly as the porosity parameter less than 0.2.


Year: 2011

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