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Assessment of Flood Risk Management Strategies in Mixed-Use Urban and Rural River Basins, Case Study: Gorgan River Basin, North-Eastern Iran

Author(s): Babak Bozorgy; Farhad Yazdandoost

Linked Author(s): Babak Bozorgy, Farhad Yazdandoost

Keywords: Flood Risk Management; Integrated Flood Management; Resilience; Multi-Criteria Decision Making; Flood Damage; Flood Mapping

Abstract: The Barrenlands region of Canada's Northwest Territories has an abundance of water resources. Despite their abundance, freshwater ecosystems and their associated hydrology in this region are among the least studied and most poorly understood in North America. For effective protection, management, and restoration of Arctic eco-hydrology, more information is needed concerning the characteristics of appropriate reference sites. Here, we investigate the hydrological and chemical characteristics of lake-stream systems and their relationship to fish habitat through a study of four lakes and their outlet streams in the Northwest Territories in the summer of 2009. We identified sections of stream that provide suitable habitat for young-of-the-year (YOY) Arctic grayling based on published values for average maximum water depth, maximum cross sectional velocity, stream water temperature, bottom substrate, stream cover, and chemical characteristics. Results provide detailed and fundamental information on the eco-hydrology of Barrenlands streams and on their habitat suitability for YOY Arctic grayling.


Year: 2011

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