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Modified Shallow Water Model with Possibility of Flying Flow Existence

Author(s): V. I. Klimovich

Linked Author(s): Vitaly Ivanovich Klimovich

Keywords: Shallow water model; Flying flow; Pressure; Curvature; Numerical algorithm; Spillway

Abstract: The mathematical model of averaged in depth flow, allowing to describe currents on a solid surface with the big slope and curvature and also considering possibility of a current separation with occurrence of flying streams (the modified shallow water model), is developed. Applicability of model is limited by currents with small depth (depth of a stream should be much less than characteristic linear sizes of streamline bodies or current areas). Aeration of streams in the developed model was not considered. The algorithm of the numerical solution of the modified shallow water model equations on the basis of a control volume method and explicit Roe scheme of 2nd order accuracy with MUSCL reconstruction of flow parameters on sides of control volume is developed. The example of flow calculation on a spillway with the cylindrical springboard, providing interface pools as the flying stream, is considered. It is shown that the obtained numerical results were coordinated well with recommendations available in the literature about characteristics of a current and parameters of the flying stream.


Year: 2011

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