Author(s): J. E. Sargison; M. Wallis; B. Lord; G. Walker; J. Andrewartha
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Keywords: Hydropower; Industrial research
Abstract: The University of Tasmania has a long association with Hydro Tasmania, the key power generation utility in the state. Prior to connection with the National Electricity Network, the state was supplied by 90% hydropower. During design and construction of hydro power developments, the Hydraulics Laboratory at UTAS was shared by Hydro Tasmania and was the site of model tests informing design and optimisation of many hydraulic structures and systems. More recently, the laboratory has again been given over to research supporting Hydro Tasmania, now focussing on maintaining system capacity and performance with work in transient turbine operations and biofouling of open channels and closed conduits. The biofouling research has been the subject of ongoing grant and industry funding. The research team balances scientific investigation of the interaction of near wall flows and the biological growth, with generating practical industry outcomes influencing maintenance, cleaning schedules and the selection of remediation techniques.
Year: 2011